Endoscopic Ultrasound

What is Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)?

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an innovative investigative procedure which combines the endoscopy and ultrasound.

It is an effective way of performing detailed examinations of the upper digestive tract without the need for invasive procedures.

EUS can also be used to diagnose problems in the stomach, oesophagus, pancreas, duodenum and gall bladder.

Understanding EUS

Minimally invasive and extremely effective as a diagnostic tool, EUS can assess and diagnose a range of gastrointestinal problems and conditions.

Your doctor will use an endoscope with ultrasound bult into the tip to examine your oesophagus and gastrointestinal system.

Throughout the investigation the ultrasound will take scans and offer images of a higher quality than scans carried out on the surface of the skin.

Why Would you need EUS?

EUS is a useful tool for investigating a range of gastrointestinal problems including:

  • Diagnosing the cause of unexplained pain, swallowing problems and other digestive system complaints.
  • To look more in depth at abnormalities found through other investigative methods such as MRI or CT scans.
  • To assess and check the size of malignant growths and to ascertain whether they have spread.
  • To deliver medication directly into the organs.

As an endoscopic probe is able to get very close to the site of the problem, it can deliver clearer and better results for your doctor to work from.

Endoscopic Ultrasound: What Happens

EUS is usually carried out under local anaesthetic. A local anaesthetic will be sprayed into you mouth to numb the throat and the endoscope, a thin, flexible tube, will be inserted through your mouth into your throat. It can be uncomfortable, but the anaesthetic spray will help to minimise any discomfort. It will pass don into your throat through to your stomach and as far as the small intestine. For this procedure the endoscope is fitted with an ultrasound probe, allowing for scans to be taken as the movement of the endoscope is used to display images onto a screen so the doctor knows where to scan.

EUS Recovery and Aftercare

EUS recovery is a relatively quick process.

You should not drive, work or operate machinery for 24 hours and you may need some time to recover at home before continuing in your normal activities.

Your consultant can discuss any visual findings from the EUS with you as soon as you are out of recovery and if any scans and biopsies were taken a further appointment should be scheduled to discuss these findings.

EUS with Dr Rehan Haidry

As an experienced endoscopist and consultant gastroenterologist, Dr Rehan Haidry regularly carried out EUS procedures to help diagnose and understand his patients’ conditions in more depth. To book in with Dr Haidry and discuss an endoscopic ultrasound or other treatments, simply contact his office.

Get In Touch

For any enquiries about conditions, tests or treatments, please feel free to call Dr Rehan Haidry’s medical secretary Debra Hyams on:

Tel: 0203 423 7609  |  Email: rhaidrymedsec@ccf.org