Barrett’s Oesophagus can increase the risk of developing Oesophageal Cancer. Barrett’s can develop in people with chronic heartburn. If a person has persistent heartburn or has been diagnosed with GORD, then they should consider having a screening endoscopy or a non-invasive test like Endosign to monitor the oesophagus for any cellular changes.
Early detection of Barrett’s Oesophagus and/or oesophageal cancer can significantly improve health outcomes. This is partly thanks to less invasive, non-surgical treatments which can be performed via endoscopy like Radio Frequency Ablation and Cryoablation to eradicate Barrett’s oesophagus and negate the risk of cancer.
What is Cryoablation?
Cryoablation is a procedure that uses extreme cold to destroy abnormal cells in the oesophagus. The procedure is only recommended for Barrett’s Oesophagus patients who have developed dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells) or people with the early stages of Oesophageal Cancer (but not advanced cancer).
Cryoablation is a minimally invasive treatment which uses cold therapy to freeze and kill abnormal cells or tissue. It is performed via endoscopy and usually involves the use of liquid nitrogen (passed through the endoscope to the affected tissue) to freeze and destroy the dangerous cells which could advance to cancer or even a tumour if left untreated.
Several sessions of cryoablation are usually needed to complete the treatment and each session lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. After each session you may need to follow a modified diet for several days, which will be fully explained by your medical team. It is a very safe and effective procedure.
Is Cryoablation right for me?
Cryoablation is an effective and minimally invasive treatment for patients with Barrett’s oesophagus. Dr Rehan Haidry will be able to advise if it’s right for you, depending on the stage of your condition and your general health.
Once you arrange a consultation with Dr Haidry you can discuss your options and the team will help you make the right decision for your circumstances. You may find you need an initial exploratory endoscopy to get a better understanding of your condition and symptoms before making a decision about further treatments.
Book your appointment today to discuss your options and find the right solution for your circumstances.
Barrett’s Oesophagus and Oesophageal Cancer treatments are available to private patients at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital in London.
Get In Touch
For any enquiries about conditions, tests or treatments, please feel free to call Dr Rehan Haidry’s medical secretary Debra Hyams on:
Tel: 0203 423 7609 | Email: