Dumping Syndrome

What is Dumping Syndrome?

Obesity is the UK’s biggest health crisis – one third of the population is classed as obese. Bariatric surgery is highly effective when compared with lifestyle intervention alone, particularly for those who are morbidly obese.

Gastric bypass is a popular form of bariatric surgery and studies have found that most patients will maintain at least a 20% weight loss and almost half will maintain a 30% weight loss after 12 years.

However a substantial number of patients (25-50%) suffer from a serious complication later down the line called Dumping Syndrome.

Dumping Syndrome is caused by a problem with the join between the newly created small stomach pouch and intestines (the gut). This join, called the gastrojejunal anastomosis (GJA), can lose its tightness over time meaning the stomach pouch empties too rapidly into the small bowel. Patients may experience abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate and/or dizziness/light headedness.

Dumping Syndrome can occur years after having a gastric bypass. Problems with the GJA can also cause post-surgery weight gain in 35-50% patients.

How is Dumping Syndrome treated?

Dumping Syndrome could be addressed without surgery, for example with dietary changes. Foods that are high in sugar or fat are generally the worst culprits, so reducing these as much as possible will help control the symptoms of Dumping Syndrome.

Surgical correction of this problem is technically challenging, the surgery takes several hours and requires a hospital stay of a few days. It is associated with significant risks and does not always work.

Endoscopic suturing (performed via the throat) to reduce the size of the GJA is an excellent solution. Dr Rehan Haidry offers a cutting edge endoscopic solution called Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORe) which offers patients a second chance to get back on track with their weight loss journey.

Why TORe?

TORe is an endoscopic procedure (performed via a tube down the throat), which means its less risky than surgery and as its less invasive patients can usually go home after 24 hours An endoscopic suturing system shrinks the GJA to 1cm restoring the restrictions of the gastric bypass. Learn more about TORe here.


Get In Touch

For any enquiries about conditions, tests or treatments, please feel free to call Dr Rehan Haidry’s medical secretary Debra Hyams on:

Tel: 0203 423 7609  |  Email: rhaidrymedsec@ccf.org